Trauma Cover

Cancer Insurance

Cancer Insurance cover will pay you a lump sum if you are diagnosed with certain kinds of cancer, and in some cases there is also cover for gender specific cancers. We are fortunate in New Zealand to have such a free medical system, but that does not mean it is perfect with all the funding it needs. With an ageing population it may be fair to say that there is going to be more strain on funding for medical services as our population gets older. A headline in the New Zealand herald online on 21st December 2020 was as follows; [...]

2021-02-23T09:33:45+13:0023/02/2021|Categories: Blog, Trauma Cover|Tags: , , |

Cancer Care

Cancer Care Cancer Care can be a long hard road for patients, families and friends, as well as those who provide the care in our public and private health sectors. It is good news that our government is looking to provide a National Cancer Agency with $10M to establish the agency and a further $10M to get work underway, but is that enough. Looking at the basic math with $20M is that going to make a substantial difference to the people who need the care when compared to the government who has earmarked $370M for DHB bailouts. Funding shortfalls and [...]

2020-11-15T23:13:25+13:0019/11/2019|Categories: Blog, Trauma Cover|Tags: , |

Disability Insurance

Disability Insurance Disability insurance can mean different benefits, depending on the insurance solution you use.  There are disability insurance solutions that will pay you a lump sum benefit, and there are some that will pay you a monthly benefit, and there are some that will pay you a combination of both. In the context of this article, I will be talking about Income Protection also known as disability insurance and the fine print around claiming a partial disability benefit. What is Partial Disability? Partial disability is where you have to work lesser hours because of sickness or accident, that usually [...]

Trauma insurance explained

Trauma insurance is to provide much needed funds when a serious sickness or event occurs.  We are living longer and medical technology is helping us live past the heart attack that would have killed us 30 years ago. Trauma Insurance Cover Dr Marius Barnard was South African born Cardiac Surgeon and he the creator of Trauma insurance. Dr Barnard noticed that through advanced surgical procedures, his patients were surviving heart surgery and make a good recovery.  But the financial strain on them was difficult.  This was because their Life Insurance cover did not pay out because the patient/insured person did [...]

2017-05-13T12:07:49+12:0013/05/2017|Categories: Blog|Tags: , |

How likely are you to claim your life insurance?

  How likely are you to claim life insurance? Insurance is about managing risk.  It's a simple concept where many people pool funds together and then funds are paid out to people who need it.  With so many people contributing to such a large pool of funds, there needs to be a line drawn in the sand of who gets paid these funds and when.  This is where policy wording determines and defines what is fair and what is not and who gets paid and who may not.  It simply cannot be a free for all "everyone gets paid all [...]

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